新年明けましておめでとうございます。 2025年は巳年、そして山ノ内町町制施行70周年の節目の年です。 私も町長として3年目を迎えます。
山ノ内町には、スキー場で有名な志賀高原・北志賀高原があり、湯量豊富な湯田中渋温泉郷をはじめとする9つの温泉郷、そして世界的に知られる地獄谷野猿公苑があります。 また、河岸段丘や扇状地状の緩やかな傾斜地に恵まれ、山々の豊富な水を活かしたりんご、ぶどう、桃などの高品質な果樹栽培が盛んな町です。 人口は約1万1千人で、近年は社会増へと転じています。
私の2025年の町政におけるミッションは、引き続き「住みやすい町づくり」と「町の経済の活性化」です。 山ノ内町は観光・農業の両面で大きな可能性を秘めた素晴らしい町であり、まだまだ磨けば光る原石のような存在だと考えています。
「やまのうちスポーツクラブ」も本格的に稼働を始めました。 私が理事長を務め、これまでのスポーツ教室の充実を図るとともに、部活動の地域移行を支援し、お年寄りから子どもまでがスポーツを通じて健康的な生活を送れるような体制を整えていきます。
最後になりましたが、本年も皆様にとって健康で実り多い一年となりますよう心よりお祈り申し上げます。 山ノ内町のさらなる発展に向け、皆様とともに歩んでまいりますので、引き続きご支援とご協力を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。
令和7年2月7日 山ノ内町長 平澤 岳
Happy New Year!
The year 2025 is 70th anniversary of Yamanouchi Town’s municipal government. It is also my third year serving as town mayor.
Yamanouchi Town is home to the renowned ski resorts of Shiga Kogen and Kita-Shiga Kogen, as well as nine hot spring resorts, including the abundant Yudanaka-Shibu Hot Spring Resort. Additionally, it is internationally known for the Jigokudani Monkey Park. (Snow Monkey Park)
The town boasts high-quality fruit cultivation—such as apples, grapes, and peaches—grown on river terraces and gentle alluvial fans, nourished by the abundant mountain water. With a population of approximately 11,000, Yamanouchi has recently begun experiencing population growth.
My mission as mayor in 2025 is to continue fostering a town that is both a comfortable place to live and an economically vibrant community. Yamanouchi has immense potential in both tourism and agriculture, and I believe it is a hidden gem that can shine even brighter with further development.
I am committed to creating an economic environment where young people want to work and live, ensuring an easy environment for raising children, and making Yamanouchi a town where people of all ages, from children to the elderly, feel at home.
The Yamanouchi Sports Club has also begun full-scale operations. As its chairman, I will continue to enhance our existing sports programs while establishing a system that supports the transition of club activities to local communities and promotes a healthy lifestyle for all generations through sports.
Regarding school integration, we will establish a clear direction early on, striving to make Yamanouchi a town with an attractive educational system that encourages families to raise their children here.
In terms of tourism, the number of visitors to Jigokudani Monkey Park (Snow Monkey Park) has exceeded 270,000, further solidifying its global reputation. We opened a information counter with waiting room and rest rooms in front of the ROMAN Museum of Art to enhance visitor comfort.
Moreover, we will strengthen the branding of Yamanouchi-grown fruit, ensuring that its delicious quality is well promoted both locally and beyond.
Thank you for your continued support, and I sincerely wish you all a healthy and prosperous year ahead. I look forward to working together with you for the further development of Yamanouchi Town.
February 2025 Mayor of Yamanouchi Town
Gaku Hirasawa

総務課 総務係
〒381-0498 長野県下高井郡山ノ内町大字平穏3352-1